10 Rules to Follow Before you Quit your Job

So, you’ve made the decision to quit your job as maybe, your current IT role isn’t a good fit anymore. However, before you call it quits and gear up for the new challenge, new experience, or promotion that is impeding, there are a few things you need to do.

In a recent survey by Stack Overflow, the IT-quitting your job as professionals who are most likely to be looking for new positions are data scientists and data/business analysts, along with mobile developers, game developers and designers. While a majority of tech professionals are satisfied with their current job, there always comes a time when it’s time to depart and take on a new challenge.

Nonetheless, there are still some important things you need to consider doing to ensure a smooth transition before you head out the office door or finally sign-off from your computer. If you plan ahead of time, you’ll be able to leave on good terms and in the company’s good books. Besides, that is the best way to move on from a job, especially since you may even end up working with some of your former boss or co-workers at other jobs in the future.

Here are some important rules to follow before you decide to quit your current job:

1. Don’t burn your bridges

While you may have made your might to quit your job, it is important to still keep a positive relationship with your current employer. Never badmouth your former employers irrespective of how bad your experience may have been.

 â€śBoomerangs are a huge source of hiring for many tech companies for a reason — you are a known quantity, and you want to ensure that you’re remembered as the mature, professional individual that left gracefully, and who can potentially return to add value to an organization.”

Kathleen Spillane, talent acquisition lead at Duck Creek Technologies.

2. Help make the transition smooth

Meet with your manager and offer to help fill whatever void your departure would create. You can offer to help train your successor in effectively carrying out their duties. Ask for input from your manager regarding what your priorities should be during your final days.

It is important that you remain professional as your professionalism during your remaining time will be remembered when references are made in the future.

“In the most ideal situation, you have open communications with your leadership about the next phase in your career and that you are considering a move. You should also have a succession plan in place, paving a smooth path to replacement or, at minimum, coverage during an eventual transition.”

Colleen Berube, CIO at Zendesk.

3. Update your resume and LinkedIn profile

If you are yet to secure another job, it is important to keep your resume and LinkedIn profile up-to-date. This would allow you to quickly switch into job search mode should the need or opportunity present itself.

It’s easier to update these documents when you’re making a job change and the details are still fresh in your mind than later on.

4. Get recommendations

Ask your managers, colleagues, customers, subordinates and suppliers to write LinkedIn recommendations for you. It is best to do this while they still have current impressions of you, and you can still leverage your relationship with them.

5. Save your current work samples

Always remember to move some non-proprietary examples of your work and documents that will be useful to you in future jobs to your home computer or personal email. Ensure every personal information you have is on your personal computer.

Also, be sure to keep contact information for the colleagues you want to stay in touch with in the future. Just because you have quit your job doesn’t mean that you should give up talking to your former colleagues entirely. Maintaining cordial relationships will definitely help you a lot with your future ventures.

Your employer is going to review all your electronics before they hand it over to someone else. So, be sure to transfer and clean up all your personal documents, emails, software and anything else shouldn’t be on it when the computer is returned to IT to be issued to a new employee.

6. Be appreciative and humble

Always resist the temptation to celebrate your good fortune of landing a new job too enthusiastically with co-workers. You will only succeed in alienating your soon-to-be former boss and colleagues.

“No doubt you’re very excited about your next chapter. Keep that excitement to yourself for a little while. Avoid updating LinkedIn too soon. Avoid talking about your new job with your co-workers. Your role during your notice period is to create a seamless transition. Be respectful of the people who will be doing your job after you have moved on.”

Somer Hackley, CEO of recruiting firm Distinguished Search.

Take out some time to thank everyone who has helped you to be productive in your role. Your generosity and modesty will be always be remembered. So, send a goodbye email to the people you’ve worked with, including co-workers, clients, vendors and even your managers.

7. Learn about your post-employment benefits

Once you’ve decided to quit your job, book an appointment with your manager or someone within the Human Resources department who is in charge of benefits.

Learn all the information you need about your compensation for vacation, severance package, a continuation of health coverage, pension plans, and if applicable, any other benefits that will continue after you terminate your employment.

8. Always give prior notice

Quitting your job abruptly without any notice is considered very unprofessional and every company has a resignation policy. You must never leave your job or resign without giving any prior notice irrespective of whatever your reason for quitting your job are.

While new opportunities may arise that may push you to start immediately, always still ensure that you request for at least two weeks of notice before leaving your current employer.

9. Be sure to have a plan

If you are quitting your job without having a new one, it is necessary to assess your alternatives and explore your options first.

Create a detailed plan of what you intend to do once you leave your job and be sure that it is not only a realistic plan but an achievable one.

10. Plan your finances

Quitting your job can be a huge decision especially when you don’t have anything else lined up. A job change is almost always accompanied by a change in salary and it is important to plan your finances adequately.

If you don’t have a new job or you’re getting a reduction in pay, access your current expenditure and work on trimming certain expenses from your budget—which should most account for necessities such as transportation, food, housing and healthcare.

However, if you are getting a much bigger paycheck, it is still necessary to plan your finances around this new salary to avoid overspending.

In conclusion, quitting your job is a huge decision most professionals have to make during their career, however, it is necessary to always leave on a good note by carefully implementing the above tips.

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